Editor's review
A presentation creation tool.
Multimedia and interactive presentations are useful tools in many areas of activities. It could be a sales talk, could be a training session or a teaching class. A tool like this one can help create really interesting presentations that can let you use multimedia content to great effect. This is a freeware and a good alternative to the classical PowerPoint. This tool then can help you turn that presentation into a really interesting one that can grab the attention of your audience. More importantly, these presentations can hold the attention of your audience for a longer time span easily. You can publish the work in many different ways. These include the web, HTML, ZIP, APP and EXE, Video. It is easily possible to share them in your social media. You can publish your files either online or offline. When you publish your files to cloud, the files will turn up online and you can edit it in your homepage.
Multimedia editing features helps make this tool really effective. You can add images, SWFs, audios, HD videos, web videos and flash to enhance the content and make it attractive. Interactivity can be easily built into the content you create. Besides importing PowerPoint you can start from templates and themes. You can add those PowerPoint sections into the show you develop. It is easy to add animations. You ca preview the changes and effects applied in real time. Animations, timelines and transitions can be easily selected. This is a very good tool.
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